Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Other Thans: my secret society for scaring people

"I don't know why I'm telling you this," I started to explain. At that point, I had not told her anything, but was getting ready to do so.

My face wore a grave expression.

"What?" Blake asked.

"I mean, there's nothing to be done about it really," I continued in a murky manner. "I got fired, again, and I'm really annoyed about how it happened."

I gave Blake all the gory details of trust, enthusiasm, hard work, sincerity, betrayal, termination. The typical story of my long string of job failures. Falling flat on my face was becoming an entrenched trend. While I could blame from 2% to 20% of it on myself, I was convinced that I was being misunderstood, mistreated, and mangled by the gears of corporate systems.

Blake was silent for what seemed like about 10 minutes. He turned away from me and stared off toward the woods behind my house. I sat there, wondering what he was contemplating.

"I know what needs to be done," he said finally. "We need to form a cult, then invade the store wearing weird esoteric costumes. Perform a bizarre but quick ritual. Shake them up, you know?"

I had no idea what he was talking about.

"What good would that do?" I asked, slightly irritated at such a mysterious suggestion. I knew he was serious, but it didn't make any sense. "Just to scare them or something?"

"Freak them out", Blake replied.



"How would that be retaliation?" I asked. I could not imagine any possible benefits from such an act, nor could I envision what the costumes and ritual might be. It reminded me of guerilla theatre, a surveillance camera skit.

"You'll see," Blake assured me. "What we'll do is invade the store, and act like we're performing a curse against them, something memorable that will haunt them for a long time. If they're superstitious or easily influenced, we'll have a big impact."

So that's how my secret society of The Other Thans came about.

Blake was right: the bizarre costumes, incoherent mutterings, and flashy stage effects really did the trick. We fried their circuits to the max. Several employees had to seek psychiatric counseling after we pulled that mystical stunt. I was proud of Blake and my other buddies who joined in on the fun.

From retaliation against an employer, to intimidating my trailer trashy neighbors who used the block as a day care center, The Other Thans soon became an incredibly effective weapon in my arsenal.

If anyone is interested in more details, I'd be happy to provide them. This strategy can be applied to a wide variety of situations.

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