Thursday, August 17, 2006

baby in a beer glass trees

I stumbled upon the bizarre sound genius and music technician, Chenard Walcker, in a dream the other night. I dreamt that he and a guy, seems like it was Joel Carner, made a weird video.

This video featured nothing but a baby's head viewed through a beer glass as trees pass through it. While the music, as I dimly recall it, was splendid, the visual element was a bit disconcerting. I'm not used to this kind of meaningless abstraction in art or society. See what you think...

Chenard Walcker
"Baby in a Beer Glass Trees" (1:57)


carrie said...

last night i dreamt i was running from the law.

Anonymous said...

Keep running. I have those dreams also, and as an anarchist, it sucks.