Haco has made a Pencil Organ. She wishes I suppose to. Entertain me. So quite naturally, I put my bowl of nutmeg roasted raisins down, and took a gander at the contraption.
Sparks started flying and zapping around when I touched a control knoblet. "Don't dare mess with that," I thought to myself,"...it has the power to kill you!"
I didn't much care for killer sound generators or murder-prone musical instruments.
"Why would it want to hurt me?" I asked Haco.
"Pencil Organ" is an instrument created from a home electronics kit.
By tracing two test leads (+/-) across a thick sheet of paper covered with pencil markings, sound is created. By controling the two electrodes (+ and -) with one's hands and a person can become a part (the resistance) of an electronic circuit.
The sound is amazingly varied, and the human body (or say, an apple) also produces sound when touched. Changing or slightly dislodging a couple of the parts (blocks) in the electronic circuit adds to the range of the instrument.
The nerves in the human body also function via electricity, and though extremely weak, magnetic fields are known to exist within the body.
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