Wednesday, November 16, 2005

blah blah blah, etc.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

this is what most personal drivel blogs sound like.

blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog.

no relevance. no benefit to others. no interesting anecdotes to make you laugh or make you smarter.


blah blah blah blah blog blog blog blog blog.

And, to make matters worse, the text is usually in long dense paragraphs, no paragraph breaks until about twenty six sentences string out and give you a headache.

Why do so many people think their boring lives are worth blogging about? Must be nuts.


carrie said...

they are probably nuts and it is the only outlet they can think of. at least it's something. maybe even if they are only talking to themselves.

steven edward streight said...

Your blog, miss carrie, is one of the finest hypertext products I have ever had the joy to visit.

I liked you right off the bat. I learn a lot from your design sense and your writing style.

Sometimes your post titles seem to have nothing to do with the post content, so I am reduced to hunting psychotherapeutically for a clue, word association, dream analysis, etc.

But I like how you say a lot in sentence bursts and short paragraphs. Very few personal blogs do that.