Thursday, September 15, 2005

the first impersonal blog

This is the first
impersonal blog:

a blog that pretends to be personal trivia, mundane drivel, boring details of an uneventful life, but is possibly fictional, in part or in whole.

It must be this way.

If it were to be called a Personal Blog, people would wrongly conclude that I'm writing about my life experiences and things that fully happened.

If it were to be called Business Blog, people would be hoodwinked into thinking I was trying to sell something, or explaining how to sell somethings.

If it were to be called a Fictional Blog, people would incorrectly think this was all pure rubbish, flights of fancy, foolhardy fantasy, without a single bone or phone of reality within it.

It needed a new category.

Stinky Ugly Toys, the outcast castoff, in search of new territory.

Thus: the Impersonal Blog.

The next logical step after my Unblog: Jejune Jumpers.

Welcome to it:

Stinky Ugly Toys.

Things that almost, partially,
or possibly Happened.

Or maybe not.


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